Emergency Suture
The Emergency Suture can be a life saving piece of survival equipment if used properly. Its use should not be taken lightly and the user should prepare by having knowledge of proper suturing procedures. This suture should NEVER be used when proper medical help is available.
Our Sterile Emergency Sutures include a 3/8 cutting needle and 18" of nylon, black, monofilament, non absorbable sterile thread. Each Emergency Suture comes individually wrapped and sterile.
Best Glide ASE offers, in our opinion, the three most popular and useful suture sizes for a survival situation. These are the 2-0 (largest), 3-0 (next smaller size) and the 4-0 (most popular). A good way to think about this is the larger the number, the smaller the needle size. You can see the approximate needle sizes in the image to the right.
We offer our Emergency Survival Sutures as either single purchases or as a group of all three. Check back soon for our soon to be introduced Emergency Survival Suture Kit, which will include a selection of items specifically for emergency suturing when medical attention is not available.
Our sutures are currently used in survival kits to include the RAT Survival / E&E Pocket Kits.
More about our Emergency Survival Sutures
MPSS4-0 Survival Suture - This suture includes a 3/8 cutting needle and 18", 45 cm, of Nylon (Monofilament), non absorbable thread. The needle is 19mm long. The suture is a size 4-0 as defined by the United States Pharmacopoeia (U.S.P) with a corresponding needle width. This roughly translates into a metric diameter of 0.15 or 32-34 American Wire gauge. 4-0 is commonly used for medium to light stress areas requiring minimal strength, such as in the extremities This is the most common size for superficial wound closure. This survival suture is not reusable and is sold sealed and sterile.
MPSS3-0 Survival Suture - This suture includes a 3/8 cutting needle and 18", 45 cm, of Nylon (Monofilament), non absorbable thread. The needle is 24mm long. The suture is a size 3-0 as defined by the United States Pharmacopoeia (U.S.P) with a corresponding needle width. This roughly translates into a metric diameter of 0.20 or 29-32 American Wire gauge. 3-0 is commonly used for medium stress areas requiring moderate strength sutures. This survival suture is not reusable and is sold sealed and sterile.
MPSS2-0 Survival Suture - This suture includes a 3/8 cutting needle and 18", 45 cm, of Nylon (Monofilament), non absorbable thread. The needle is 26mm long. The suture is a size 2-0 as defined by the United States Pharmacopoeia (U.S.P) with a corresponding needle width. This roughly translates into a metric diameter of 0.30 or 28 American Wire gauge. 2-0 is commonly used for high stress areas requiring strong sutures. This survival suture is not reusable and is sold sealed and sterile.
Survival Suture Definitions
Cutting - The needle body is triangular and has a sharpened cutting edge on the inside.
Absorbable - The suture material will not be absorbed by the body in time.
3/8 - The needle body forms 3/8 of a circle.
Sterile - The needle and suture are free from live bacteria or other microorganisms.
Note: We at Best Glide ASE or NOT medically trained in the use of sutures. The purchaser is responsible for the correct application of these items. It is highly recommended that proper training be obtained prior to the use of the above survival sutures, and any survival equipment for that matter.
Note: Minor deviations from the above specifications occasionally occur due to product availability. Above image may not be an exact representation of the currently available product.