Wound Pack - First Aid Kit Refill
The Wound Pack First Aid Kit Bandage Refill is perfect for those that either want to refill an existing first aid kit or are looking to build their own survival kit. This first aid kit, medical kit refill, includes the most popular bandages and wound treatment items ready for individual use.
The Wound Pack First Aid Kit Refill (FAKR), includes the most popular bandages and wound treatment items and incorporates some that you only find in high dollar first aid kits. The Wound Pack Medical Kit Refill also includes more of each of the items that you use often. Whether someone is suffering from a minor scratch or a traumatic injury, the Best Glide ASE Wound Pack, First Aid Kit Refill, helps you stay prepared.
WoundPack I First Aid Kit Refill includes:
10 PKG - Povidone/Iodine Swabs
32 PKG - Band Aids Bandages, 1"x 3"
6 BLDS - Tongue Blades, 3/4" x 6", Wood
1 ROLL - Gauze Roll - Stretch Kling (2"x 4.1" yds)
1 ROLL - Gauze Roll - Stretch Kling (1"x 4.1" yds)
1 ROLL - Adhesive Tape, Waterproof, 1" x 10 yd
10 PKG - Steri-strip Wound Closure (butterfly bandages)
10 PKG - Gauze Pads, 4" x 4" 1 SQ - Moleskin (6" x 6")
BOTTLE - Liquid Soap - Sanitizer Soap, 2-oz Bottle
2 BAND - Triangular Bandages
1 PKG - Emergency Bandage - Civilian Version
1 PKG - Multi-Trauma Dressing 12" x 30"
1 BAG - Biohazard Waste Bags Red (24" x 24") 10GL
Note: Minor substitutions occasionally made due to individual kit item availability.